Some Important strategies for Fitness success.

1 . Eat Healthy.

If you go to any fitness trainer they'll tell you that regardless of your workout routine , eating healthy is the key to achieve Fitness Success.                                                                                            Food is that thing that fuels your body to work efficiently and without a proper diet you are likely to stall. Maintain a balanced diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, healthy-fat, and protein.This is the very basic step.

Consider having healthy meals.Avoid junk & oily foods that'll do nothing but surely harm your health.

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Stay Calm and be Healthy

2.Understand the basics of muscle building.

Get in touch with a fitness trainer and understand the basics of cutting down fat and gaining muscles.
Along with it increase your caloric protein intake for better development.
When you enter the gym make sure that you focus on your movements and forms.
Its extensive that you do your exercises in proper form so that you use most of your energy for the extra rep rather than targeting unintended muscles.
Improper form may lead to injury.
As a beginner , try to be consistent and train at least for 4 days a week. You need to rest to let the muscles tissues grow. 

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3.Don't go beyond your limits.

If you are unable to lift the weights yourselves or you're falling within 20 seconds that the weights are too heavy for you.You still gotta work on it .
Until you can lift it properly and re-rack it after completing your set ,the weights are not yet meant for you.
Lifting heavy weights can lead to : strained or torn muscles. Lifting heavy weights with improper form might lead to back , knees or shoulder injuries.

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4.Reduce rest time.

While working out consider reducing rest time between sets .It should be not more than 45 seconds.This will boost your endurance.If you lift moderate to heavy weights consider your rep range between 10-15.

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5.Find a motivation.

Motivation is key. It's very important to find a motivation for your workouts.
Set daily goals for you workouts. Plan everything.
Get some photographic evidences. That way you'll see a change overtime that might motivate you to train more.
Catch up with some of the fitness blogs who are intended to train regularly. 
It's very important to motivate yourself. 

No days off fitness gym muscle workout motivation Vector Image

6.Find the perfect plan.

If you ought to succeed in fitness you should have a fixed plan for your workouts.
A workout plan should be build around the person's age , routine , goals and nutrition .
There are countless number of workout routines , exercises , sets and programs which you can choose from to work towards.
Constructing the perfect plan will help you to see which group have have you worked on and what needs more focus.
This will also motivate you to achieve your aim and climb even higher.You'll soon start planning your next goal automatically.

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7.Correct Form.

As I mentioned earlier, form is very extensive.Form is very important.As a beginner you should first focus on you form.
By maintaining correct form  you're guaranteed to activate the muscle groups you were wanting to .
This will prevent you energy from being lost in other muscle groups which you didn't considered training. 
By this most importantly you stay healthy and injury free.
The one who is the healthiest would be able to train more and in long run ultimately would succeed.





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