Without pushing your body through pain , there is no chance that you'll gain !!!!

My Work Out Journey 

It all started when I was in 8th Grade. I was around 4.5 feet at that time. My father had appointed a personal trainer who would come to my place day-to-day and instruct my Mom and Dad.
For the same, my trainer had suggested ordering some basic types of equipment necessary for training.  I was in the notion that I will only do some Cardio training while I was in. Soon my father shifted the aim for me to workout; since the heredity of my generation was short, the main aim was to boost my height without any artificial doses.
Fortunately, after working hard on my leg muscles I added a few inches to my height. It was quite good for me at that time.
Then started my real workout journey.
When I first walked in I had no idea what to do in the gym, nor where to even begin, but as time went on, I figures out.
Simultaneously while I was working to shoot up, I was introduced to muscle training. Consequently, with basketball afoot, it became quite tough for me to focus on my muscle training
Finally, in 9th Grade, I instinctively started to bunk basketball and focus more on gymming.
Not surprisingly,  this made me work out even more efficiently without much trough.
However, there was no consistency in my workouts.
Fitness was still a burden to me, every other day I used to use irrational excuses as validation to skip the gym.
Posting flex zone pictures on social media were the most promising thing I could do at that time.

Soon this part of my life evolved more significant to me than it was back.

The book "ATOMIC HABITS" made me comprehend the extent of the importance of consistency in my workouts. Vow! that book transformed me.
It transformed the way I interpreted my fitness. It was way better than I had anticipated.

Unfortunately, after the coronavirus outbreak, the national shutdown was charged.
It was the most satisfactory justification to skip my training.
Meanwhile, my brother retained to push me to train consistently.
Today I feel that this is the greatest win of my life till now!

Today I feel that consistency is the most important component when working to accomplish goals. Without consistency, programs are unorganized, the body has a harder time adapting, and forming habits may be challenging.
Presently I am working out for 3 weeks without any rest days. It seems like I'm winning every day to work out daily without any space. I have proper workout routines which are pre-planned.
Well think about it, I have spent 1 hr. in the gym lifting weights, jumping and climbing.
It feels so good when you work out, it feels so fresh.
My workout journey from wearing a shirt to being shirtless has been amazing.



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