How to help yourselves develop good studying habits!

1.Plan Everything.

Drawing a well-defined study timetable always allows you to maximize your priorities on the particular chapters/units/subjects you need to work towards.
Making a study plan always will ensure that you study efficiently and more productively.
It helps to manage your time perfectly without and unproductivity.
Developing an organized approach to our studies will help you to achieve effective results.

How to Write a Work Plan: 8 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

2. Choosing the perfect environment.

The first step in creating a study space is choosing a comfortable location.
The most important is to choose a place with minimum interruptions and distractions. Choose a quiet, relaxing space where you can focus more on your studies.
Try to choose a unique area for studying, so that you can train your brain to focus extensively on studies and not on other distractions.
Tips For Students To Create A Positive Study Environment ...

3. Study at the same time.

Study at the same time every day. Besides creating an effective study plan it is also important to create a consistent study routine when you study at the same time each day throughout the week, you start to feel that studying is a part o your life. You are mentally and emotionally prepared for studying with full concentration.
Sometimes you may need to change your timings, but it's okay. Get back to the schedule as soon as possible.

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4. Prioritize your sessions.

Prefer doing the most difficult subject first. This will allow you to study with more mental and physical energy so that you understand your difficulties more clearly. 
Following this simple principle will increase the efficiency of your study sessions and may also improve academic reports.
A timetable is formed according to one's priority and pace of ...

5. Note making

Note making helps you to learn. summarizing what you've heard or read, helps you to understand and remember the information later. Make notes yourself so that it is best understood by you when you revise.
Pinning down the things what you've learnt will engages a different part of your brain, which will make you far more likely to remember your thoughts.
Note Making: Format & Samples: Format and Samples - Leverage Edu


Concentration refers to the mental effort to direct yourselves towards one particular thing which you are doing presently.
Always study with your full concentration.
Stay away from distraction. Get your surroundings distraction-free area.
Concentrating properly during studies will allow you to maximise your performance to understand and learn. 
This will surely boost your confidence and also you will observe a drastic change in your academic report.
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