Workout : Injuries

A workout injury can happen to anyone, no matter your experience or fitness level. Walking can even cause injuries. 

The only thing is that you can minimize the risk of injuries. 

Common Injuries

People hurt themselves in many ways while working out : 

  • Muscle Strain
  • Ankle Sprain
  • Lower Back Strain
  • Shoulder Injury
  • Dislocation
We must follow some basic principles during our workout sessions in order to minimize the risk of injuries.

Warm up & Cooldown  

It is very extensive to warm up before a workout.
Warm up prepares your body for a workout.
It gradually increases your heart rate and loosen your muscles and joints 
Some common ways to warm up : 
  • Jogging
  • Cycling
  • Stretching
  • Jump ropes
Cooling down your body is equally important. It gradually brings your heart rate to normal.
Walking is the best way to cooldown.


Do dynamic stretching before and after the workouts. This will improve your flexibility and to an extent protect you from injuries.

Don't go beyond 

Always follow a fixed workout plan. Start slowly, gradually building muscles with time.
Going beyond your limits can be motivating at that time but not in the future. It will harm your body.
Follow the no pain == no gain equation but don't push yourself to extreme pain. 

Proper Form

Always practice the perfect form. By maintaining proper form you are guaranteed to activate the muscle groups you were wanting to.

Lifting heavy weights with improper form might lead to back, knees or shoulder injuries.


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